Concept Flooring Specialists

our team | our story

Professional Flooring Solutions

We are a small team located here in Taupo, focused on exceptional floor services which not only deliver a functional floor, but a showpiece to be proud of.

Meet The Team

Darrell Putt is the founder of Concept Flooring Limited (CFL), previously DA Putt Limited. With National Certificates in Flooring and Construction Related Trades (Supervisor) Level 4, he has 30 years’ experience in the flooring industry. Taught by his now retired master, Colin Menzies, you could say that CFL has spanned over 2 generations.

Darrell’s exceptional attention to detail is one of the attributes that sets CFL apart from their competitors. Our flooring specialists treat every job with the utmost care and finish each project to perfection.

Scott Davis, has a National Certificate in Flooring Level 4 as well as a qualified builder in a past life, undertakes any repair work that is needed with knowledge and precision.

Harli Cherrington, started with us when we was just a teenager as our first ever apprentice, he now has a National Certificate in Flooring Level 4 and complements our team perfectly.

And in the office behind a computer and the voice on the phones, is Jade Putt, Darrell’s wife and general paper-pusher of the company (and the only one without a beard).

We can manage your entire flooring project from substrate prep, laying of the timber and finishing with your choice of coating system.

Have an old floor that just needs to be sanded and coated?  We can do that too, so give us a call to discuss your flooring needs.


  07 378 4739 (office)     0274 724 031 (Darrell)

Team Members

Darrell Putt

Chief Flooring Specialist

Scott Davis

Site Manager & Flooring Specialist

Harli Cherrington

Flooring Specialist

Jade Putt

General Dogsbody.....Specialist

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